Thursday, September 18, 2008

fgd in Gran Mahakam

i'm not the kind of person that uses internet to inform others about what i'm doing at the office. buuut ... since i'm involve in a system that needs publication, for positive image they said, i guess now i have to :(. well ... what can i say about my work yesterday, mmm, i was the note taker on a focus group discussion with Faction's Performance's as the main topic. i was also the note taker for almost the same discussion the day before that and on last Friday. the full title of yesterday's discussion was

Focus Group Discussion
Hasil Kajian
“Prinsip Representasi dan Prosedur Internal Partai Politik di DPR-RI”

UNDP – Parliamentary Reform and Public Engagement Revitalization
bekerjasama dengan
Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI

Hotel Gran Mahakam – Jakarta, 17 September 2008

it was presented in English, but the note is in Bahasa. you know how much i like the Garamond, right?! :p. i always use it for my report. the final result of the note will be available shortly. i'm still working on it today.

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