Saturday, January 10, 2009

republik petruk

my baby sister and i went to TIM yesterday for a three and a half hours theater performance. i saw Syakur and Oci among the crowd, and i bet i could spotted others if i was willing to do that, but i wasn't in the mood to look around. Republic Petruk is Teater Koma’s 116th production. this play is the third part of the Republic Saga Trilogy. Republic Bagong was the first part of the Trilogy and performed as the 95th production in 2001 while Republic Togog, the second part, was performed as the 103rd production in 2004. the story begins when Mustakaweni steals Jimat Kalimasada, Pandawa’s enchanted treasure, by disguising herself as Gatotkaca. Srikandi, the renowned lady-warrior, fails to repossess the Kalimasada, because of two Gods Kaladurgi and Kanekaratena play their parts and paralyze Srikandi. in the meantime, a young knight by the name of Priambada is looking for his father, Arjuna. Srikandi willing to help Priambada in his quest under one condition that the young knight must retrieve the Kalimasada. Priambada accepts the challenge and finally fights with Mustakaweni who was then has fallen for him and let Priambada retrieves the Kalimasada with just a little fight. Priambada trusts the Kalimasada to Petruk, and the two Gods provoke Petruk to take advantage of the magical properties. "You have to make the most of anything that has been given to you, the power is in your hand, and opportunity knocks only once" and Petruk is persuaded. with the Kalimasada, Petruk successfully conquering the Kingdom of Lojitengara. he is a crowned King with the title of Prabu Petruk Belgeduwelbeh Tongtongsot. political reform takes places, with a loose control over most of public matters. Petruk proclaims that the democracy that he believes is when everything is possible. although corruption, collusion, and nepotism can be found, but they all under control and under radar. Prabu Belgeduwelbeh is unwind with his over eating habit, lots of singing and dancing activities. any kingdoms who feel annoyed and decide to invade Lojitengara are defeated and not being enslaved but being allied. who could possibly fight against Petruk Belgeduwelbeh since there are apparently no one who could change the 'everything goes' condition.

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