Sunday, May 31, 2009

meeting your sister

i don't know if this is a common thing for common people, but i was so nervous when i met your sister ^///^. it was not like she is going to make fun of me or anything, but it was just the idea of making a good first impression.
you were hospitalized and i thought it was a good idea to visit you (since visiting you at your kost is out of the question). i knew you went there with your sister, but i thougt she would have left by the time i reached the hospital. and there we were, the three of us, and my first line was "you two don't look a like". and I was about to say "bet one of you is adopted" when i saw the same dimples on both of you. i was so nervous that i became talkactive most of the time. and before i left, i learnt that your dad was coming, and i commented on that wrongly, i guess. it was alerting, and it was the best decision to leave before your dad was around. right before i left, i said thank you for having me. i should be more entertaining with my baloons and monkey :(. so lame!

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